<aside> 📎 You have already learned a handful of Korean particles and how to use them through the previous lessons in this book. Get ready to add a new one to the bunch! Learn the meaning and usage of -(으)로 [-(eu)-ro] with this lesson.



Nouns ending with a consonant + -으로

Nouns ending in a vowel or the consonant “ㄹ” + -로


(1) 나무로 만들다 [na-mu-ro man-deul-da]

= 나무 (wood) + -로 + 만들다 (to make)

= to make (something) with wood

Someone made this table with wood.

= 누가 이 테이블을 나무로 만들었어요. [nu-ga i te-i-beu-reul na-mu-ro man-deu-reo-sseo-yo.]

(2) 왼쪽으로 가다 [oen-jjo-geu-ro ga-da]

= 왼쪽 (left side) + -으로 + 가다 (to go)

= to go to the left

= to go through the left side

(3) 이 길로 가다 [i gil-lo ga-da]= 이 (this) 길 (street / road) + -로 + 가다 (to go)= to go down this path= to go down this road

(4) 펜으로 쓰다 [pe-neu-ro sseu-da]= 펜 (pen) + -으로 + 쓰다 (to write)= to write with a pen

(5) 한국어로 말하다 [han-gu-geo-ro mal-ha-da]= 한국어 (Korean) + 로 + 말하다 (to speak / to talk)= to speak in Korean

(6) 치즈로 유명하다 [chi-jeu-ro yu-myeong-ha-da]= 치즈 (cheese) + 로 + 유명하다 (to be famous)= to be famous for cheese