Using -만 [-man] is one of the most widely used and basic ways of saying “only”. Simply add -만 after a noun, pronoun, or noun form (-기 [-gi]) of un verbe.

<aside> 🔔 1. Adding -만 after nouns and pronouns


이것: THIS [Pronounced igeot/igeo

이것 + 만 = 이것만 [i-geon-man/igeo man, but igeonman sounds more natural] = only this Ex) 이것만 살 거예요. [i-geon-man sal kkeo-ye-yo.] = I will only buy this.

저 + 만 = 저만 [jeo-man] = me only, I only Ex) 저만 들었어요. [jeo-man deu-reo-sseo-yo.] = Only I heard.

커피 + 만 = 커피만 [keo-pi-man] = only coffee Ex) 아침에는 커피만 마셔요. [a-chi-me-neun keo-pi-man ma-syeo-yo.] = I only drink coffee in the morning. 는 Topic marker shows emphasis.

아침에만 커피(를) 마셔요. [a-chi-me-man keo-pi-reul ma-syeo-yo.] = I drink coffee only in the morning. (를) The Topic marker shows emphasis.

Only this time: Ibeonman

<aside> 🔔 2. Adding -만 after noun forms of verbs


To add -만 after a verb, change the verb into its noun form using -기, then add -만 하다 [-man ha-da] which literally translates to “only do [noun]”.

듣다 [deut-tta] = to hear; to listen 듣 + 기 = 듣기 [deut-kki] = listening (noun form) 듣 + -기 + -만 하다 = 듣기만 하다 [deut-kki-man ha-da] = to only listen Ex) 듣기만 했어요. [deut-kki-man hae-sseo-yo.] = I only listened (and did not talk).

보다 [bo-da] = to see, to look 보 + 기 = 보기 [bo-gi] = seeing, looking 보 + -기 + -만 하다 = 보기만 하다 [bo-gi-man ha-da] = to only see, to just look Ex) 보기만 할 거예요. [bo-gi-man hal kkeo-ye-yo.] = I will only look (and not touch it).

Sample Sentences

오늘만 일찍 왔어요. [o-neul-man il-jjik wa-sseo-yo.] = I got here early only today. 오늘 = today 일찍 = early 왔어요. = I came, I got here.

맥주만 주문했어요. [maek-jju-man ju-mun-hae-sseo-yo.] = I only ordered beer. 맥주 [maek-jju] = beer 주문했어요. [ju-mun-hae-sseo-yo.] = I ordered. 왜 이것만 샀어요? [wae i-geon-man sa-sseo-yo?] = Why did you only buy this? 사다 [sa-da] = to buy 샀어요. = I bought it. 이것 [i-geot] = this, this stuff 왜 = why 어제 놀기만 했어요. [eo-je nol-gi-man hae-sseo-yo.] = I did nothing but play yesterday. 놀다 [nol-da] = to play 어제 = yesterday 영화는 집에서만 봐요. [yeong-hwa-neun ji-be-seo-man bwa-yo.] = I watch movies only at home. 영화 = a movie 집에서 = at home